Ohio vs. Ball State Predictions, Toledo vs. NIU Odds Bombshell
Joe Duffy's GodsTips Sports Handicapping Service Scorephone legend for decades; now CEO of No.1 handicapping website; winningest handicapper of all-time on any site 32-17 CFB TEAR; 7-3 BASKETBALL WISE GUYS; OHIO-BALL ST CFB SIDE; NBA WISE GUY & MAJOR This is the GodsTips you have known as loved since our scorephone days of the 1980s. Today only, get the monthly pass extended to 35 days! We are 32-17 in college football, 7-3 with basketball Wise Guys. Get the Ohio vs. Ball State side now. Also the basketball winnings continue with NBA Wise Guy and Major play winners. Get the picks now |
MasterLockLine Sports Betting Services The power of 620 sports services behind every sports pick; Traces roots back to scorephone LockLine of 1980s TOLEDO/NORTHERN ILLINOIS BOMBSHELL; RAS HOT IN NCAAB + MORE Las Vegas based service is No. 1 in all sports since January 1, 2011. Three and four-weight plays are above 69 percent in that period. Four-weight Bet of the Year in college football goes on Toledo/Northern Illinois An attorney/law professor/pro bettor turned pro bettor/professional handicapper out of Tri Cities, TN is best known for being the greatest SEC handicapper of all-time. However, he is also the top college and pro football totals handicapper, based on all-time units won. Supreme Selections are his highest rated plays. He's hit six straight Supreme Selection. Weeknight Supreme Selections NCAAF Totals Parlay of the Year as both football totals are up. Get the picks now |
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