NBA Betting Playoff Picks 2013
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The sports handicapping services menu for: Friday, May 3, 2013
Joe Duffy's GodsTips Sports Handicapping Service Scorephone legend for decades; now CEO of No.1 handicapping website; winningest handicapper of all-time on any site DAY AND 2 NIGHT MLB WISE GUYS AMONG 6 NBA, MLB, AND NHL WINNERS; YES DERBY TOMORROW Yes, we will have that same outsourced picks for the Derby, hopefully by tomorrow morning, so get at least the three-day pass. We have a day MLB Wise Guy, two night MLB Wise Guys, plus NHL and NBA winners as well. Who has a slugging percentage edge of .178 last five games and almost as big the last 10? Who is in a slump to the tune of -12.2 units? Who has a slugging percentage edge of .134 the last 10 games? Hint: in every case it benefits a small favorite or underdog. Get the picks now |
Forensic Sports Handicapper Stevie Vincent Groundbreaking founder of forensic sports handicapping; fewer picks, higher winning percentage from the King of Offshore LEVEL 4 PRO BASKETBALL, LEVEL 5 BASEBALL, OVER 61 PERCENT WINNERS IN BOTH THIS SEASON It is time to just keep winning. Stevie Vincent is hitting better than 61 percent in both pro basketball and pro baseball. He has winners in both, including a Level 5 on the diamond. Get the picks now |
MasterLockLine Sports Betting Services The power of 620 sports services behind every sports pick; Traces roots back to scorephone LockLine of 1980s 6-0 SWEEP; WITH 2 MLB DOGS; HUGE NBA 2 TEAM PARLAY Mark the Shark, the top handicapper west of the Mississippi. He's been offered nearly seven figures per year to join a famed Las Vegas sports handicapping marketing giant, but has spurned offers because they demanded marketing concessions that would negatively affect his modules. Western Conference Postseason Game of the Year wins on Golden State. Now the Western Conference 2 Team Parlay of the Year. Get the picks now or a free pick |
Each handicapper highest rated play is as follows: GodsTips (Wise Guy), Stevie Vincent (Level 5), Matt Rivers (500,000*), Canadian Crew (named play), Masterlockline of course varies from service but generally (Biggest Play)
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