NFL Week 14 Locks
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The sports handicapping services menu for: Sunday, December 8, 2013
Joe Duffy's Picks Scorephone legend for decades; now CEO of No.1 handicapping website; winningest handicapper of all-time on any site 6-2 NFL; SNF WISE GUY AMONG 4 NFL WINNERS Joe Duffy's Picks has dominated the NFL since the mid-1980s scorephone days more than any handicapper has in any sport. Currently 6-2 the last eight in the midst of a stellar season, get another Sunday Night Football Wise Guy side among four NFL winners. Get the picks now |
MasterLockLine Sports Betting Services The power of 620 sports services behind every sports pick; Traces roots back to scorephone LockLine of 1980s 5-2 NFL; HIGHLY ANTICIPATED 3-TEAM PARLAY; NO. 1 FOOTBALL SERVICE CONTINUES HOT STREAK Sensational handicapper out of Philadelphia is No. 1 all-time in all sports and No. 1 since Jan 1, 2010 overall and the all-time No. 1 NFL handicapper going back to SuperLockLine day. He rated picks 5, 7.5, and 10 stars and he has hit his 3-Team NFL Parlay of the Year 4-of-6 years with the plays individually a stunning 14-4! 2013-14 3-Team NFL Parlay of the Year. Get the picks now or a free pick |
Forensic Sports Handicapper Stevie Vincent Groundbreaking founder of forensic sports handicapping; fewer picks, higher winning percentage from the King of Offshore OFF ANOTHER WINNING DAY; PRO FOOTBALL UP FOR SUNDAY SEATTLE/SAN FRANCISCO With all due respect, only a bumbling fool would ever doubt TGO. The Great One Stevie Vincent wins yet again Saturday. You see why he has never had a losing December. Seattle/San Francisco is the best bet on the board. Purchase the 100-day pick pack now and change your financial life permanently for the better. Or get the daily package and make serious cash too. Are pro gamblers ask what did The Great One say? Get the picks now |
Each handicapper highest rated play is as follows: GodsTips (Wise Guy), Stevie Vincent (Level 5),Masterlockline of course varies from service but generally (Biggest Play)
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