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Last day at this low price! URGENT: Get Early Bird specials for football season: Joe Duffy's Picks, Stevie Vincent Picks or the uncanny offer of both cappers. This offer is a limited time only! ***Alert: official betting preview of New York Giants-Buffalo Bills, the famed preseason primer!

The sports handicapping services menu for: Sunday, August 3, 2014


Scorephone origin, activated only when sharp info warrants; highest gambling ROI is sports betting history


Bordering on automatic! Late Info historic tear In 2012, the baseball season by LateInfo was far and away the best ever by any source in any sports in terms of ROI ever recorded. Though 2013 baseball season fell short of the impossible bar, it was splendid. Now it appears very possible 2014 will surpass even 2012! Either way, 2012 to present in MLB is a three-year sustained money train that has never previously been seen.

Most implausible ever three year MLB mark is 63-39 with 39 underdog winners (includes money line favorites getting back the juice), 15 of 153 or higher! Get a total at 1:30/40 ET in MLB to build on history. The biggest outlaw book in the southeast has been such for nearly 30 years. He also is in constant contact with his colleagues from around the nation. Nobody has a better pulse on where outlaw and under-the-radar whale money is going. Get the picks now


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