
Showing posts from March, 2016

Pro Basketball Handicappers

2016 will likely be the best season ever for baseball betting. Here is why . Final 4 Tailgate Party (Sports Betting Podcast) The sports handicapping services menu for: Thursday, March 30, 2016   Joe Duffy's Picks Advanced Analytics from Scorephone Legend; Top Capper Ever Based on Units Won 22-7 WISE GUYS; NBA WISE GUY Joe Duffy's Picks is 22-7 with Wise Guy plays in all sports . An NBA Wise Guy is up for Thursday . A few angles your wallet has won with many times before. Get the picks now Forensic Sports Handicapper Stevie Vincent Groundbreaking founder of forensic sports handicapping; fewer picks, higher winning percentage from the King of Offshore       2 PERFECT PLAYS, ONE O/U, ONE GAME SIDE Get two Perfect Plays in pro basketball . Get an over/under angle that is 18-0 and a side angle that is a 17-0 fade . A Worldwide Gambling Alert has been issued for professional gamblers. Get the pi...

Top NBA Sports Service 2016

2016 will likely be the best season ever for baseball betting. Here is why . Final 4 Tailgate Party (Sports Betting Podcast) The sports handicapping services menu for: Wednesday, March 30, 2016   Forensic Sports Handicapper Stevie Vincent Groundbreaking founder of forensic sports handicapping; fewer picks, higher winning percentage from the King of Offshore BILLIONAIRES CLUB 9-0; PRO BASKETBALL BILLIONAIRES CLUB Billionaires Club bets are 9-0 in pro basketball . Get another game side now to make it a perfect 10. A Level 5 pro basketball . Those of you who bet on Perfect Plays are extremely happy. Those who only bet Level 5s are even happier. Those who bet every single, solitary Stevie Vincent pick with no exceptions are giddy. Get the picks now MasterLockLine Sports Betting Services The power of 620 sports services behind every sports pick; Traces roots back to scorephone LockLine of 1980s   BACK...

BetShare NCAA Tournament Elite 8 Picks

The sports handicapping services menu for: Sunday, March 27, 2016 HAPPY EASTER   Joe Duffy's Picks Advanced Analytics from Scorephone Legend; Top Capper Ever Based on Units Won 21-8 WISE GUYS; 5-0 COLLEGE BASKETBALL; NCAA TOURNAMENT WISE GUY, CIT MAJOR We go 6-2 overall, 5-1 in basketball and sweep Wise Guys again. Villanova UNDER, Cavaliers, and Raptors make us 21-8 with Wise Guys . The sweep did not even have one pick we had to sweat. We throw in Villanova as a Major and are now 5-0 with college basketball picks the last two days, all in the Big Dance. We have an NCAA Tournament Wise Guy side plus a CIT Major as we make it seven straight winning in college hoops. Get the picks now NBA likely once lines are posted Forensic Sports Handicapper Stevie Vincent Groundbreaking founder of forensic sports handicapping; fewer picks, higher winning percentage from the King of Offshore       SWEE...

Elite 8 Basketball Picks

The sports handicapping services menu for: Saturday, March 26, 2016   Joe Duffy's Picks Advanced Analytics from Scorephone Legend; Top Capper Ever Based on Units Won 18-6 WISE GUYS; 3-0 SWEEP OF NCAA TOURNAMENT; 4 NBA (2 WISE GUYS); 2 NHL; NOVA-KU SIDE AND TOTAL Notre Dame a Wise Guy, Majors on Syracuse, Iowa State OVER makes it a sweep of the NCAA Tournament. We are 18-6 with all Wise Guy plays. We have four NBA led by two Wise Guys and two NHL winning picks. We have added the Villanova-Kansas side and total as we go undefeated in the Dance for a second straight day. I will flat out tell you it is the biggest sharp versus square side or total of the tournament so far. We are a bit more specific in the analysis. Get the picks now   Forensic Sports Handicapper Stevie Vincent Groundbreaking founder of forensic sports handicapping; fewer picks, higher winning percentage from the King of Offshor...