Pro Basketball Handicappers
2016 will likely be the best season ever for baseball betting. Here is why . Final 4 Tailgate Party (Sports Betting Podcast) The sports handicapping services menu for: Thursday, March 30, 2016 Joe Duffy's Picks Advanced Analytics from Scorephone Legend; Top Capper Ever Based on Units Won 22-7 WISE GUYS; NBA WISE GUY Joe Duffy's Picks is 22-7 with Wise Guy plays in all sports . An NBA Wise Guy is up for Thursday . A few angles your wallet has won with many times before. Get the picks now Forensic Sports Handicapper Stevie Vincent Groundbreaking founder of forensic sports handicapping; fewer picks, higher winning percentage from the King of Offshore 2 PERFECT PLAYS, ONE O/U, ONE GAME SIDE Get two Perfect Plays in pro basketball . Get an over/under angle that is 18-0 and a side angle that is a 17-0 fade . A Worldwide Gambling Alert has been issued for professional gamblers. Get the pi...