Collegiate Basketball Picks: Sweet 16 Locks
Famed against the spread trends podcast, tracing its roots to the scorephone days for Thursday NCAA Tournament and Friday. LateInfo his with George Washington last night. Postseason (including conference tournaments), even sicker than the regular season as far as ROI.
The sports handicapping services menu for: Thursday, March 24, 2015
Joe Duffy's Picks Advanced Analytics from Scorephone Legend; Top Capper Ever Based on Units Won NCAA TOURNAMENT WISE GUY + 2 MAJORS; NBA SIDE The Lord of the Big Dance marches into the madness of Sweet 16. NCAA Tournament Wise Guy and two Majors up for Thursday. Also added is an NBA side as we have at least three winning picks Get the picks now We have added Friday with a Wise Guy and Major. You should get either Bet It Trinity or Joe Duffy's Picks four-day pass to take you through the Elite 8. |
Forensic Sports Handicapper Stevie Vincent Groundbreaking founder of forensic sports handicapping; fewer picks, higher winning percentage from the King of Offshore CONSECUTIVE SWEEPS! NOW 8-2 LAST 10; 3 NCAA AND PRO BASKETBALL LEVEL 5 TGO goes 3-0 last night, 2-0 Tuesday and is 8-2 the last 10. Get the Champions Club Perfect Play of the Modern Era among three collegiate and pro basketball winners. The combined angles are 54-4 in your favor. Get the angles unlocked inside the play. Get the picks now |
Best option for gifts. You will thank me later. (Hubba, hubba) |
MasterLockLine Sports Betting Services The power of 620 sports services behind every sports pick; Traces roots back to scorephone LockLine of 1980s 23-10 COLLEGIATE HARDWOOD Power of 620 sports services behind every selection, the MasterLockLine is 23-10 with picks on the collegiate hardwood. Pre-buy the card today |
Each handicapper highest rated play is as follows: GodsTips (Wise Guy), Stevie Vincent (Level 5),Masterlockline of course varies from service but generally (Biggest Play)
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