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Limited time: Get Joe Duffy for 50 days for just 599. What a sale from the great and always hot Joe Duffy's Picks. Begin the rest of your gambling life now. Permanent prosperity is now yours if you want it. (Four days will be added at All-Star Break. You never lose a day)!
The sports handicapping services menu for: Monday, June 6, 2016
Joe Duffy's Picks Advanced Analytics from Scorephone Legend; Top Capper Ever Based on Units Won OFF MASSIVE DAY IN MLB AND NBA AGAIN! HUGE SALE; NHL GAME 4 SIDE; MLB WEST COAST DOG OF YEAR JDP is 91-60 with Wise Guys with 17 winners being underdogs of 132 or more including +185 and 162 the last two days. That only includes Wise Guys. Our 5-3 Sunday also included a 275 underdog Major player winner on Arizona in addition to the Dandy Dog of the Month on Angels getting 162. We sweep NBA with Golden State and UNDER and are 51-26 with all postseason basketball picks going back to March Madness. Other than that, perhaps our 28-years of winning publically is something you can ignore and keep betting on your own. Sharps, the first winner is up, Game 4 of the Stanley Cup Finals. For baseball, you have a little extra time to get down. There are four baseball games that start at 9:40 ET or later. One is a Wise Guy total, the other is the MLB West Coast Underdog Game of the Year. Two sports, 3-0 sweep. Get the picks now See massive sale, 50 days for $599, limited time |
MasterLockLine Sports Betting Services The power of 620 sports services behind every sports pick; Traces roots back to scorephone LockLine of 1980s SEVERAL RISING SERVICES WITH SUBSTANTIAL PRO BASEBALL BETS One of the best MLB litany of winners this season insofar as ratio to number of games played. It is relatively short card, yet the opportunities are more voluminous than usual. Sports service midway between Pittsburgh and Morgantown, WV dominates Pittsburgh area college and pro teams and is widely accepted as the top regional handicapping expert for or against, over or under. Non-Divisional Parlay of the Year Mets vs. Pirates side and total New No. 1 handicapper in all sports for 2016 is out of Fort Smith metropolitan area. Premium Wagers are what they are famous for. Four Premium Wagers No. 1 MLB handicapper in MLB this season, based on one unit per bet minus the juice, is a service out Los Angeles metropolitan area. 10* Maximum Bets are their top rated. Three 10* Maximum Bets in MLB. Get the picks now |
Forensic Sports Handicapper Stevie Vincent Groundbreaking founder of forensic sports handicapping; fewer picks, higher winning percentage from the King of Offshore 2-1 YESTERDAY; PRO BASEBALL OVER/UNDER The Great One, Stevie Vincent goes 2-1 yesterday and has a pro baseball over/under going Monday. TGO is beyond debate the top over/under on the planet. Get the picks now |
Each handicapper highest rated play is as follows: GodsTips (Wise Guy), Stevie Vincent (Level 5),Masterlockline of course varies from service but generally (Biggest Play)
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