Oklahoma State vs. Missouri Football Vegas Odds Pick From Superstar Sports Service

Missouri-Oklahoma State is one of the best bets on the board. It is a PERFECT PLAY—literally. It has never lost in football. Ever. And two go today from Stevie Vincent, the founder of forensic sports handicapping.

A Perfect Play means an angle that is a 100 percent angle with a minimum of 12 games. However, not all 12-0 or better stats automatically qualify as a Perfect Play depending on counter information and the time period the perfect stat applies. NOTE THIS IS A NEW definition upon review. Since upgrading the definition, these plays have yet to lose! It’s 7-0 including Rice-over Sept. 12, Iowa Sept. 26 and Air Force on Oct. 10.

These plays are exceptionally rare, yet two apply Saturday. Perfection is on the line. Plus the Arkansas/Florida game side and over/under is the SEC PARLAY of the YEAR. Click now to purchase his bets. Stevie Vincent is the former Executive Editor of the scorephone Tailgate Parties, which were the reports every gambler flocked to in the pre-Internet days. A pro gambler since 1993, his picks went public in 2007. He is the founder of groundbreaking forensic sports handicapping.


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