MNF Picks: Ravens-Jets, Chiefs-Chargers
The Power of 620 sports services behind every selection, the MasterLockLine, goes 8-2 Sunday, all NFL plays. It's now a 62-27 season going back to NFLX. They are 20-3 with the "Biggest Play" feature in the history of football since instituting the element.
Here is your locked and loaded menu for Monday, September 13, 2010
The Couch Potato is perhaps the top specialist in betting. Concentrating on high-profile national TV games, he has hit better than 57 percent in nine consecutive individual sports seasons (college and pro football and basketball counted separately). They are 6-1 this football season. ESPN Monday Night Football side Ravens/Jets
**Biggest Play**
No. 1 the last three years in college and NFL combined. An attorney/law professor/pro bettor turned pro bettor/professional handicapper out of Tri Cities, TN is best known for being the greatest SEC handicapper of all-time. However, he is also the top NFLX totals handicapper, based on all-time units won. Supreme Selections are his highest rated plays. His Supreme Selections are 19-7 this football season. You know it's legit because you got EVERY ONE OF THEM. Supreme Selection on Ravens/Jets over/under
**Hottest Handicapper**
Ben Burns is the No. 12 all-time handicapper and No. 9 in college football and NFL combined. 12-3 in the NFL, his Game of the Week is the Chargers/Chiefs side on ESPN
It's early, but the No. 1 regular season NFL and college football handicapper thus far is 17-3, one of the great starts ever. Service out of the trans-Appalachia region has a Perfect Angle play on Chargers/Chiefs over/under
Statmaven Sports is No. 1 all-time on as far as plays that have risen to the level to be re-released. Rankings trace back to the 976-LOCK scorephone days through the SuperLockLine and are all-sports combined. They are the only service that is plus more than 200 units as far as re-releases based on one unit per bet. Their absolute top angle in any sport is an angle +258.3 units including +63.3 the last four years. It's based on RISP batting average last 10 games, bullpen stats last 10, and starting pitchers WHIP last five starts. It applies on Boston/Seattle
It's the fourth strongest consensus play this year in MLB.
Free pick: Leo Getz Padres
Please remember that plays released are generally not every play released by the service. We pass along ONLY the top rated plays from the top rated sports services in their highest rated sports. Even if a top ranked service has a highly rated play, we may cancel it's re-release because of conflicting information from other top services.
Our rankings are based on:
Default category: Total net units won—how much money a service won based on one unit per play including the juice
Winning percentage—self explanatory, minimum of 50 plays in quoted category to quality for rankings
ROI—based on units risked versus units won ratio, minimum 50 units risked to qualify. This category also takes into consideration multiple unit picks
For fair comparison, parlay picks are counted as individual selections except in ROI.
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