Who Are the Highest Ranked NBA Services
Joe Duffy's GodsTips Sports Handicapping Service Scorephone legend for decades; now CEO of No.1 handicapping website; winningest handicapper of all-time on any site SWEEP! WISE GUY BOBCATS LEAD ANOTHER 2-0; NBA TOPS TUESDAY The Charlotte Bobcats gave Miami a run for the outright and we collected easily on the 13-point underdog. We added Loyola Chicago, who made it too interesting at the end, but started the sweep. Tonight, we have an NBA game for similar reasons as the Wise Guy winner last night. Too many hints? Perhaps, but bookmakers are more worried about us continuing to give you too many winners. The good news for pro gamblers is there is no end in sight. Get the Tuesday NBA Get the picks now |
Forensic Sports Handicapper Stevie Vincent Groundbreaking founder of forensic sports handicapping; fewer picks, higher winning percentage from the King of Offshore 45-21! 37-12 LEVEL 5; 25-9 PERFECT PLAY; TOP NCAAB PICK FOR TUESDAY It is a joke the odds the bookies are putting up. It is almost as if they are conceding they have no chance to TGO. Get the top Tuesday pick up now. Get the picks now |
Matt Rivers Sports Betting Winningest all-time handicapper on a large network of sites; Highest NCAAF winning percentage in history WHENEVER I SAY I NEED A DAY I ALWAYS GET IT AND THAT IS THE CASE TODAY! A great 400,000* winner on the Ravens on Sunday was followed up by a bad call on the 400,000* on Note Dame yesterday. There's certainly nobody to blame but myself. Today a 300,000* from Atlanta involving Florida State and Georgia Tech. The Jackets have been the better team of late but are they really? Rock, solid, lock! Get the picks now |
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