Ken O’Brien KOB of Inside Sports Com? Top NFL Week 5 Picks Against the Spread

Ken O'Brien KOB of Inside Sports Com and Washington based handicapper Bruce Hall are the latest names to enter the industry. The Power of 620 sports services behind every selection, the MasterLockLine says KOB is ranked 402 in NFL and college picks.

Rated No. 4 overall all-time in NFL and college football betting against scores and odds

**Hottest Handicapper**

Statmaven Sports is No. 1 all-time on as far as plays that have risen to the level to be re-released. Rankings trace back to the 976-LOCK scorephone days through the SuperLockLine and are all-sports combined. In other words, their highest rated plays have proven since 1980 to be as good as any sports service. Yards per point offense/defense combined with turnovers angle that is +156.3 units.


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