MNF Service Plays and Free Pick Info


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Here is your locked and loaded menu for Monday, October 11, 2010

**Biggest Play**

The top service in the world the last three years combined has not stopped winning since relocating to Reno, Nevada. Their Key Play of the Day selections are released a maximum of once a day, sometimes none. They've hit five straight Key PODs and tonight's is on the MNF side

**Hottest Handicapper**

The No. 1 ranked NCAAF handicapper for 2010 based on units won is a service out of Atlanta. Their highest rated plays are "Whale Winners" in which they release 2-4 per week in NCAA and NFL combined. They finished No. 8 college and pro football combined in 2009. They have moved up in the 2009/10 combined standings to No. 1. That makes them No. 2 the last two years combined. Whale Winner on the Vikings/Jets over/under

Castlegate Sports is the No. 1 all-time basketball service and No. 6 overall. Pro Baseball Game of the Year Giants/Braves

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Free pick:  Iceman Philadelphia NHL

Please remember that plays released are generally not every play released by the service. We pass along ONLY the top rated plays from the top rated sports services in their highest rated sports. Even if a top ranked service has a highly rated play, we may cancel it's re-release because of conflicting information from other top services.

Our rankings are based on:


Default category: Total net units won—how much money a service won based on one unit per play including the juice


Winning percentage—self explanatory, minimum of 50 plays in quoted category to quality for rankings


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